
Feds indict Tucson man for cocaine possession, illlegal automatic firearms

Paul Ingram/Tucson Sentinel
  • A 22-year-old Tucson man faces federal charges after police found cocaine, weaponsand silencers in his vehicle.
  • A grand jury indicted Jesus Antonio Najar on 9 charges including possession with intent to distribute cocaine.
  • He allegedly had guns modified to fire automatically, a violation of federal law.

Low staffing, space crunch hobble UA state museum’s repatriation work

  • U.S. Sen. calls out Az State Museum as a foremost offenders of Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act
  • The park service counted about 2,700 remains in museum’s collections that have yet to be repatriated
  • The process requires space, funding and staff, and the museum has been chronically short on all three
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