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Patrick Bahners
„Most of those arrested on and around Columbia’s campus appeared to be graduate students, undergraduates or people otherwise affiliated with the school, according to a Police Department list of people who were arrested that that was obtained by The Times.“ www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/nyregion/columbia-students-hamilton-hall.html
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Combat Antisemitism Movement
The disturbing escalation of violence overnight at Columbia University has made it vital to recognize that the lack of action from both government and school administrations has fueled antisemitism within our education system. It's imperative to act now to stop the rot. Full…
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Howard French
Why doesn't the headline say that police exaggerated presence of outsiders? That's what the article *eventually* says. "Locks, Chains, Diversions: How Columbia Students Seized Hamilton Hall" www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/nyregion/columbia-students-hamilton-hall.html?smid=tw-share
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Rebecca C. Lewis
Per the NYT, at least some of the reported arrests at CCNY were at a protest "outside the campus' locked gates, on a public sidewalk." Adams/NYPD said 60% of CCNY arrests were not affiliated with the school, but don't mention the arrests outside campus www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/nyregion/columbia-students-hamilton-hall.html?smid=nytcore-android-share pic.twitter.com/2bkfjRgrgy
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