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News about Viktor Orban, Hungary

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Zoltan Kovacs
❗️ During his campaign tour in Nyíregyháza, @PM_ViktorOrban highlighted the stark contrast between his government's tangible achievements and the opposition's empty promises, emphasizing that voting for the left equates to supporting war. ❗️ Highlighting the gravity of the… pic.twitter.com/UG8MtL8ToL
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Zoltan Kovacs
🕊️ @PM_ViktorOrban, continuing his campaign in Kaposvár, emphasized that Europe is precariously balancing on the edge between peace and a devastating war. He stressed the historical costs of wars, highlighting their destructive impact on human life and economic stability. 🌍 In… pic.twitter.com/C12lcLD9td
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Daniel Freund
Imagine you're in power for 14 years. You own the media. You own the industries. You've lined your pockets with public funds. Yet, you're complaining about being "the victim". Chances are high that you're Viktor Orban. pic.twitter.com/y9JKktyJbe
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Szabolcs Panyi
It's been two decades since Hungary became a member of the EU, yet today passes with minimal acknowledgment from our leaders who also peddle anti-EU disinformation on a daily basis. The silence from the Orbán government and the lack of official celebrations today speaks volumes.
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