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Tesla Owners Silicon Valley
Exhausted. Night. We came we performed and we killed it. Tesla takeover Europe was a blast.
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The world has not yet understood that Tesla is an AI company with software-like margins active in three multi-trillion dollar markets, and that is not a problem but an opportunity. Vipes from 2012/13, when the world didn't believe Tesla would become an automaker. $tsla is…
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Sawyer Merritt
I'd like to provide a little context that Reuters left out, as this headline is everywhere. In 2018, when the original vote for @elonmusk's performance-based compensation package took place, institutional investors held about 70% of all Tesla stock. At that time as well, Glass… pic.twitter.com/FuVGVzxFEz
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Whole Mars Catalog
Tesla is the number one seller of used cars in the United States $TSLA pic.twitter.com/0piebWgHii
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