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Prof. Katharine Hayhoe
If I were polling people on the likelihood of blowing past the Paris targets, I wouldn't ask climate scientists: I'd poll CEOs, elected officials, and leaders, at every scale. I'd ask WHY they felt that way. And I'd want those answers shared. For more: www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7194083120868921345/
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Ed Hawkins
We need to do 3 things about climate change: 1) Mitigate - reduce emissions 2) Adapt - to changes that have already occurred, those we are committed to, and those we choose to occur because we don’t mitigate enough 3) Suffer - because we don’t do enough to mitigate or adapt
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Prof Michael E. Mann
Implementation of current pledges and targets (with NO additional climate policy achievements) brings warming down to ~2C. Limiting warming to 1.5C requires substantial additional policy innovation. But we all knew that. Right? climateactiontracker.org/global/temperatures/ pic.twitter.com/QZWPEdFiZr
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Bill McKibben
I'd make this the lead story in every paper and newscast on the planet. If we don't understand the depth of the climate crisis, we will not act in time. www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/09/carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-record
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