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Tesla Owners Silicon Valley
Here is the steel ball test on the Cybertruck windshield. pic.twitter.com/2wveF3hGAZ
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Tesla Owners Silicon Valley
How do you put the Cybertruck into drive and reverse ? pic.twitter.com/obXqfLWiQ1
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Fred Lambert
Tesla's 'deep bench strenght' took a bit hit in just a year. Elon said there were too many people on stage. He meant it. pic.twitter.com/qvAiwBP0F4
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Fred Lambert
Sources say Tesla's head of charging was pushing back against Musk over the percentage of her team that she needed to let go. Some believe he fired her and the entire team as a statement. Musk wrote in an email to staff this week: “Hopefully, these actions are making it clear… pic.twitter.com/onMKBoKTuL
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