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News about Elon Musk

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Elon Musk
Tesla still plans to grow the Supercharger network, just at a slower pace for new locations and more focus on 100% uptime and expansion of existing locations
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Tesla Owners Silicon Valley
Voted Yes on Elon Musk's compensation along with Kimbal Musk returning as a Board Member of @tesla pic.twitter.com/yGdL5nQrCI
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Tesla Owners Silicon Valley
“To be frank, in the early days, I thought there was >90% chance that both SpaceX & Tesla would be worth $0. The press and aerospace / automotive industry at the time (correctly) agreed with me.” Elon Musk pic.twitter.com/4pqVGAH1gr
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Fred Lambert
I see a lot of people who take what Elon Musk says at face value - virtually believing everything he says as if he is incapable of lying. I can admit I used to be in this camp. Elon said so much truth that talked to me that I found it hard to believe he could lie. Now, things…
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